Climate Pledge Friendly
Climate Pledge Friendly uses sustainability certifications to highlight products that support our commitment to help preserve the natural world. Time is fleeting.
- Cognitive Function: DHA Ultimate is an omega-3 essential fatty acid dietary supplement that supports neural and cognitive function.*
- Overall Wellness: DHA has also been associated with healthy lipid metabolism, platelet function, vascular health, joint function, memory and skin health.*
- Solvent-Free, Supercritical Co2 Based Extraction: Low temperature, oxygen-free processing prevents oxidation reactions.
- Pure Quality: Our supplements are made with only premium ingredients sourced from trusted suppliers and guided by our nutritional experts, then carefully manufactured and tested to verify their potency and purity.
- Pure Difference: What makes us different isn't just our process or what goes into our supplements -- what we leave out matters, too. Pure Encapsulations products are FREE FROM wheat, eggs, tree nuts & peanuts, gluten, artificial colors, flavors & sweeteners, coatings and shellacs, GMOs, and unnecessary binders, fillers & preservatives.